Rental Property Investing for Beginners How to make money from Rental Property; Tips and Strategy to Buy Low and Rent High【電子書籍】[ Maheen Ashraf ]

<p>Are you interested in Real Estate but scared of failure? Are you afraid that a little knowledge might end up costing you an immense fortune? Do you dream of owning your Rental properties but don't want to deal with the hassles of managing one?<br /> If yes, you've come to the right place. Buying a rental home can build you a healthy passive income, supplement your day job earnings, prepare you for a stress-free and early retirement, and give you financial independence.<br /> This book will teach you how to analyze rental property investments using professional and unique real estate investment analysis techniques and strategies. Investing in Rental Properties shouldn't be a hassle if you have the perfect guide to show you your way around them.</p> <p><strong>Why Pick This Book?</strong></p> <p>In this book, you will learn about:</p> <ul> <li>Pointers to look for when buying properties, how to know if you are getting the best deal.</li> <li>How to buy low, do rehab, and rent high.</li> <li>How to build your real estate team and the important people that will help you in your business.</li> <li>How to analyze and invest in rental properties; when, why, and how you can start this business from scratch.</li> <li>Creative and unique rent solutions and suggestions.</li> <li>Untold excellent tips and tricks for beginners to get assured success in rental properties.</li> <li>All about property and tenant management.</li> </ul> <p>This book also features my story and how I went from a middle-class teenager to a successful business woman in real estate.</p> <p><strong>What Does This Book Offer?</strong></p> <ul> <li>It'll completely change your way of viewing your life and investments you make in it. It'll help you get out of your cocoon and step into the world of investment.</li> <li>It'll help you pave your path and lead a life that wasn't designed or chosen by your parents, your teachers, your influencers, society, or anyone but yourself.</li> <li>This book will answer all your life-changing questions with tons of brand-new ideas, strategies, concepts, and theories.</li> <li>It provides the most efficient rental property investment solutions and minimizing hassles in asset management; this book prioritizes to be the single guide that'll help you invest in rental properties from scratch!</li> <li>It also features an in-depth explanation of every possible question that might arise in any real estate investors' mind. Each chapter features a specific step essential in investment in rental properties and how to get the most out of them with the least possible investment.</li> </ul> <p>Whether you are a beginner or a professional into real estate investing, this book will help you navigate every corner of this business and help you create a constant passive income flow that'll last you for a long time, helping you achieve your dream of easy and stress-free retirement. <strong>Ready to turn your dreams of being a real estate investor into a reality? Then hit the BUY NOW button!</strong></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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