To Buy or to Rent That is the Question. The Great Australian Dream, Fact or Fiction.【電子書籍】[ Dileepa Ethapane ]
<p>Many people have conflicting thoughts about buying a house. Most of them decide to buy a house because someone else known to them has bought a house. They say " most people buy things they do not want, with the money they do not have, to show people they do not like." The decision to buy a house on mortgage payments is a very serious decision. This may eventually be a very big burden on the family's financial resources. Therefore, as in many serious decisions in life, a small advantages and disadvantages chart has to be done before embarking on a house buying venture. This book will serve you as this chart and enlighten you to get the knowledge to be able to make a serious decision whether to buy a house , or keep renting.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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