Rental Property Investing: How To Be A Smart Real Estate Investor With Proven Intelligent Property Buy & Managing Techniques【電子書籍】[ Kevin D. Peterson ]

<p><strong>The basics for property investment - How to calculate yield, capital gain, and get a strong rental return. Get closer to your property dream.</strong></p> <p>Looking to purchase and profit from a residential rental property?<br /> Although it is possible to make lots of money in real estate, there's more to it than purchasing the first decent house you see. Real estate is a tough business and the field is peppered with land mines that can obliterate your returns.</p> <p><strong>Here Is A Preview Of What You'll Read...</strong></p> <p><em>Introduction To Rental Property Investing<br /> Types Of Rental Property<br /> How Real Estate Investing Works<br /> Create Positive Income From Rental Property<br /> Crucial Factors In Investing<br /> And much, much more!</em></p> <p><strong>Download your copy today!</strong><br /> Take action today and download this book now at a special price!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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